Friday 4 February 2011

T-shirt Designing PowerPoint

 I had to create a question are to see what people liked and disliked on a t-shirt. We had to get the most popular answers from the questionnaire and put that into my design.

I made the PowerPoint and you can see the results that i got.

This is the the mood bored. To get some ideas for our t-shirt designs.

These are my 3 Design's that I made for my t-shirt design. i made these designs by using a program on the internet called Picnik. After making these i showed them to the class to get a review of which one people liked more. Most people liked the second one (lots of red and the 'Creative Arts' in the middle) and the third one (lots of blue and the orange, red, different shades of blue and the 'Creative Arts' in the middle). Because people liked them two the most I had to mix them together and create a new one. 

This is the final idea that i made and printed onto the t-shirts.

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