Friday 22 October 2010

Print Process

Intaglio (Dry printing)

we got given a peace of plastic with a compass and we had to trace a picture from a magazine, new paper etc. and scratching into it by using a compass. Then we put some oil paint on the plastic and we smudge it with a paper towel and by doing that it pushes the ink/paint into the cracks. After we then put it through a printing press with a peace of wet paper onto of the plastic. 

The problem with this when you scratch onto the plastic, you have to make sure you do the writing in reverse. 

The colour ink/paint has gone into the cracks and not still on the plastic screen. 

Screen Printing

We cut out a stencil, then taped it on a screen. After putting paper under the screen we put some ink/paint on the screen then pushing the squeegee with the paint pushing it down and pulling it towards you. By doing this the ink goes through to the stencil and go onto the paper.

when cutting out the stencil you have you make sure theres no loose pieces (e.g. when cutting out a O you have to make sure the middle of the O is still attached to the stencil).

The ink went through good and didn't smudge or anything.

Lino Printing

We got given a peace of Linoleum and drew a design onto it by using a ball pen. We cut the peaces out by using a cutting tool. we had to choose which part of the design we were going to take out. After we the got 2 rollers and some acrylic paint. Then put the 2 colour next to each other and get one of your rollers and roll through them so you get the paint on the roller then use that same roller and paste the paint onto the linoleum. The linoleum would then have the colour(s) on it. Next, the linoleum goes onto a peace of paper, painted side, and use the clean roller and push on the back of the linoleum to get a print onto the paper.

I choose to cut out the background but then decided to cut out the tree part. Had to get part of my peace cut off. 

The colours came out well and the design showed nicely.

Friday 10 September 2010

The adventures of Apple Head

Apple head is thinking about robbing a bank. While he has a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. He has crazy eyesight, a good sense of smell and his ears are as big as dumbo's. Apple head has so many arms so he can carry out loads of bags of money. On one side of his legs he has strips and the other side he has spots, Apple head can hypnotise the till workers by doing a chicken dance.